Fortuño talks about his failure in establishing the CIO structure by law
Two different governors in 2009 and 2013 proposed the creation of a central technology structure to help digitize government services, yet both failed in the endeavor. In an interview with former Governor Luis Fortuño, we discussed the position of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in the Government, the challenge of establishing the position and structure […]read more…
Three actions to initiate digital transformation
Think for a moment that you have the power to rebuild your government all over again. How would you do it? With specific examples on how technology can lead to savings of up to 90% and provide a significant boost to the economy and tourism, Tom Loosemore, former deputy director of the UK Digital Service, […]read more…
Apostemos a ser radicalmente efectivos
El Gobernador Ricardo Rosselló envió una carta a la Junta de Control Fiscal el pasado 27 de diciembre donde solicita y cito: “Our request is for the Board to initiate a petition to detail US Digital Service and 18F personnel from the Federal Government to be placed in the Puerto Rico Innovation Technology Service on […]read more…
Renowned leaders provide recommendations to Puerto Rico Fiscal Board
Leaders of the global technology community urged the Puerto Rico Fiscal Oversight Board (FOB), designated by the US Congress to address the island’s fiscal crisis, and the incoming government administration to develop a new entity to lead a transformation for Puerto Rico as a “Native Digital” government that promotes transparency, efficiency and economic development. Leaders […]read more…
Global Entrepreneurship Week – GovTech Event @ Piloto151
“From Insurgency to the New Normal” opens the conversation on an unparalleled opportunity to build new digital institutions that will transform Puerto Rico and ensure we succeed in a path towards fiscal stability and economic prosperity. For any government in the 21st century, the policy will not work if the technology doesn’t work. Lets take a […]read more…
Taskforce Recommendations on Economic Growth in PR
Economic growth is enhanced by efficient and effective government services; supported through transparency and accountability; enabled by infrastructure and openess. A Puerto Rico Digital Service is the way forward, this is the roadmap to get started. read more…
The Puerto Rico Digital Service
Puerto Rico faces serious challenges. The recent enactment of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA) creates an unparalleled opportunity to build new digital institutions that will transform Puerto Rico’s government operations. The way to do so is through the creation of a Puerto Rico Digital Service modeled after the highly successful […]read more…
An invitation
This year Puerto Rico will be celebrating the 4th edition of the Puerto Rico Tech Summit, held at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan, on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. Puerto Rico is facing serious financial and political challenges, with no bigger inflection point to take advantage of building new digital institutions that will genuinely allow […]read more…
La Chief Operating Officer de Facebook para la Junta de Control Fiscal
La semana pasada viajé a Washington DC y sostuve reuniones en el Departamento del Tesoro. Pude ver por cuenta propia el trabajo que realizan por Puerto Rico y quedé muy sorprendido. Mi objetivo era cumplir con un deseo personal de asegurar que estuvieran contando con recursos del US Digital Service (USDS) en sus planes de […]read more…
De adentro hacia afuera
Alberto Colón Viera, actual CIO de la Compañía de Comercio y Exportación, renunció efectivo el 15 de febrero del 2016. Comenzará a trabajar efectivo el 22 de febrero en el United States Digital Service (USDS) en Washington DC, en la Casa Blanca. El US Digital Service ejecuta los proyectos domésticos de mayor importancia a nivel […]read more…
Former Puerto Rico CIO welcomes congressional action in tackling debt crisis
This article was written by Dennis Costa for Caribbean Business print edition and adapted for this blog. U.S. Congressional Legislation Opens Door to Tech-Based Governance in Puerto Rico Former Commonwealth CIO: “U.S. Actions on Puerto Rico Fiscal Crisis Should Bring Local Government Operations into 21st Century” In an attempt to solve Puerto Rico’s fiscal crisis […]read more…
Mataron a su hermano; él arregló el sistema de Antecedentes Penales
El desarrollo del sistema de revisión de antecedentes penales fue una labor de altos niveles de complejidad. Mientras trabajabamos en el nuevo servicio, teníamos que mantener el sistema original (ANPE) funcional por unos 12 meses y no había recursos para apoyarlo. En un momento dado, tuvimos un problema serio con el sistema en Policía. Necesitábamos […]read more…
A Puerto Rico Fiscal Control Board needs a Technological “Seal Team Six”
Below is my interview from PR News Roundup with @gillamhall who is currently writing book on PR debt crisis. The lack of audited financials for Puerto Rico is a key concern for members of the US Congress and for bond market participants. Five hundred twenty-one days after fiscal year 2014 ended Puerto Rican officials no longer provide an estimate of when the documents will […]read more…
Entrevista #28 Giancarlo Gonzalez
Entrevista con Pablo Tirado: Giancarlo Gonzalez fue el CIO de nuestro gobierno hasta hace unos meses. Pero antes de eso, y por prácticamente toda su vida adulta, el ha corrido sus propios negocios. Compra o Alquila, Listmax, Tasamax, Gustazos, el ha estado envuelto en todos. En esta entrevista hablamos de la historia empresarial de su […]read more…
How the Government of Puerto Rico can deliver financial statements in “real time”
There is a popular saying in Silicon Valley: there are developers whose work has an impact ten times (10x) greater than that of an ordinary programmer. If we want to fix the Puerto Rico Fiscal Crisis, we need a 10x quality technology team. Consider composition of a champion basketball team, the Golden State Warriors: 1 […]read more…
Herramienta de datos del Instituto de Estadísticas
Como parte de las herramientas de apoyo de, la compañía Socrata ofrece periódicamente cursos en línea en modalidad de webinars, para discutir los aspectos básicos de la publicación y visualización de datos. La próxima semana comenzará el ciclo de adiestramientos. Pueden registrarse a través del siguiente enlace: more…